Terms and Conditions

[Version -April 2021]


Account" means the unique account you open with the Website;

Terms of Use means these Terms and Conditions;

"Games” means any games and offerings by Us;

“Software" means any software owned by or licensed to us that must be downloaded for you to participate at the Website;

"We/us/our/the Company" means, VCIU®, which are the owners and operators of the website.

"Website" means www.vokabul8.net or any derivative thereof;

"Your Jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction in which you are domiciled, reside or work.

“You/Your” and also referred to as “Customer”, means any person who enters the Website and participates in any “Games” provided by Us.

1. Overview

These terms and conditions constitute a binding contract between you and Virtual Content and Investments Unified® (“VCIU®” or “we/our/us/the Company”) and govern your use of the gaming services offered by the Company (the “Services.”). By using the Services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, which incorporate the following additional terms (collectively, the “Terms”):

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Responsible Gaming Policy
  3. Game Rules
  4. Betting Rules
  5. Promotion Terms
  6. Jackpot and Bonus
  1. We reserve the right to update these Terms from time to time to address legal and regulatory changes, to incorporate changes in our business or the Services offered, or to improve the clarity and helpfulness of these Terms. When the Terms are updated, we will post them on our site and it is your responsibility to check our site from time to time to review any updated Terms when posted. The updated Terms shall govern and control once they are posted to our site. It is your responsibility to retain copies of transaction records and Service policies and rules.
  2. Virtual Content and Investments Unified Nigeria Limited was incorporated in Nigeria. With company registration number 1139238).
2. Customer Legal Requirements
  1. Our Service is restricted to individuals of legal age (18) who are residents of jurisdictions where the use of our Service is not prohibited by law. All bets are void where prohibited by law.
  2. You accept that use of our Service is at your sole option, discretion, and risk. Furthermore, you agree that use of our Service is for your entertainment and non-professional use and, in doing so, are acting on your behalf and acknowledge that any activities in violation of these Terms are strictly prohibited.
  3. By accepting these Terms, you are fully aware that there is a risk of losing money when betting and you are fully responsible for any such loss. Concerning your losses, you shall have no claims whatsoever against us or any of our partners, or respective directors, officers, or employees.
  4. By opening an account or using our Services, you represent, warrant, and agree that you will comply with all laws, statutes, and regulations concerning your use of our Service. We are not responsible for any illegal or unauthorized use of our Service. By accepting these Terms, you agree to assist us with compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  5. It is your sole and exclusive responsibility to ensure that you are fully compliant with all laws relating to online activity and/or gambling in your jurisdiction. We shall in no way accept liability in situations where your use of the Service is in breach of any state, national or international laws.
  6. We reserve the right to close or suspend any customer account without prior notice. You are expected to abide by these Terms at all times and you accept that any breach could lead to penalties including but not limited to account suspension, canceled bets, and loss of winnings.
3. Customer Accounts
  1. Opening a New Account
    1. To use our Services, you must first register an account. During the account creation process, you will be required to enter your details into the account registration process, which may include your mobile number, full legal name, etc. In the event your registration information is inaccurate or incomplete, you will be required to update such information upon request.
  2. Acceptance of Terms
    1. By registering an account, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age, are competent to enter into a binding legal agreement, and that you hereby understand and accept all the Terms.
  3. Single Account
    1. You may only register and operate a single account. If you hold more than one account we reserve the right to suspend duplicate accounts.
    2. You may not access the Service through another person's account. Should you attempt to open more than one account, under your name or any other name, or attempt to access the Service through another person's account, we reserve the right to immediately close all your accounts and bar you from future use of our service.
    3. Your Account will be linked to your mobile number and only you, as the owner of these accounts, may withdraw on the Website under your name.
  4. Passwords
    1. During your account registration process, you will be required to choose your username. You must keep this information secret.
    2. Should any customer give away, share or lose his/her account username and/or password, we will not be held liable for any claims that may result from, or regarding that account. Customers are solely responsible for their account transactions and should keep their account information strictly confidential.
  5. Personal Use Only
    1. Our Services are for personal, non-commercial use only. You agree that we are entitled to monitor your gameplay and use our Service to detect gameplay patterns indicative of the professional, non-recreational play. Any professional use of our Service is prohibited
  6. Eligibility
    1. Employees of the Company, its licensees, distributors, wholesalers, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion or other agencies, media partners, retailers, and members of the immediate families of each are not eligible to use the Service, and all accounts in violation of this clause will be immediately terminated
  7. Accuracy
    1. You are required to keep your registration details up to date at all times. If you change your address, e-mail, phone number, or any other contact or personal information, please contact us to update your account information.
  8. Dormant Accounts
    1. Your account will be considered dormant if it has not had any activity for 6 months. Account activity is defined as the following: the making of a deposit or withdrawal; placement of a bet.
    2. After 6 months the funds in your account will be confiscated.
  9. Refusing and Suspending Accounts
    1. We may refuse to register you as a customer or elect to de-register, exclude or suspend you as a customer from the Service at any time, for any reason, or no reason whatsoever.
    2. You acknowledge that we have no obligation whatsoever to provide you with prior notice of our decision to refuse; de-register; exclude or suspend you as a customer, nor are we required to furnish you with any reasons for such decisions.
    3. If we de-register, exclude or suspend you, we shall have the unlimited right to:
      1. withhold payment to you of any contested funds, whether such funds are deposits, refunds, bonuses, free VeightCoin™, pay-outs or the like;
      2. establish the specific criteria with which you must comply to be allowed access to the Service (and your account, if applicable); and
      3. Furnish information about you to law enforcement agencies (if the reason for such termination, de-registration, exclusion, or suspension was fraud or some other form of illegal misconduct), collection agencies and/or intra-group casino databases. You hereby irrevocably authorize us to do so at our absolute discretion.
4. Placing Bets; Refusing and Voiding Bets
  1. You agree to pay us for all bets that are placed through the Service using your account.
  2. We reserve the right to refuse or limit any bets at our sole discretion for any reason whatsoever. In circumstances where a bet is deemed to be or is declared void by us solely at our discretion (e.g., not as a result of any breach of these Terms), any sum deducted from your account for that bet shall be credited to your account.
  3. Wagers shall only be valid if accepted by our server and subject to these Terms. Until acceptance, no communications from you shall be binding on us and all information displayed on this site constitutes an invitation to play only. Should we determine to waive a rule in the interest of fair play to you, it shall only be for that instant and shall not set a precedent for the future.
  4. By placing a bet, you represent and warrant that you are not prohibited from entering into the bet by any contract, regulation, rule, or gaming board and that you do not know the outcome of the event upon which you are betting. In the event these reputations are false, your bet is automatically void.
  5. Without limiting our discretion to refuse or limit bets at our discretion, you agree that we may void any bets in our absolute discretion if:
    1. We suspect you have engaged in any illegal activity or any Prohibited Activity (as defined below);
    2. You have breached any of these Terms
    3. There is a technological error related to the Service, including but not limited to the publishing of erroneous odds, or the placing of your bet;
    4. We have reason to believe that your bet, or the event upon which you have bet, may be subject to manipulation, collusion, or other unethical activity; or
    5. Where we are required to do so by law or regulation.
5. Payment Details
  1. Verification of VeightPay™ Account Details
    1. If you use a VeightPay™ account for your transactions, the account holder’s name must be the same as the name you used when registering your Vokabul8™ account. Should the name you registered on your Vokabul8™ account and the name that appears on your VeightPay™ account differ in any way, your account will be immediately suspended? Should your account be suspended, we recommend you contact customer support for details regarding our verification process
    2. All withdrawals to your VeightPay™ account are subject to audit before being processed. As a result, payment of withdrawals could take up to 6 hours to process.
  2. Updating Payment Details
    1. Updating or adding additional payment details may only be done by contacting customer service. It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the terms upon which your payments are accepted. You are solely responsible to keep abreast of any changes.
  3. Inter-Account Transfers
    1. The transfer of VeightCoins™ between individual accounts is strictly prohibited.
  4. No Interest
    1. Any VeightCoins™ held in your account shall not attract interest.
  5. Credit Checks
    1. If we incur any chargebacks, payment reversals, or other charges in connection with your account, we reserve the right to recover such VeightCoins™ from you.
    2. You represent, warrant, and undertake that no chargebacks or other payment reversals or cancelations shall be made concerning your account without our prior written consent. In the event of any such chargeback, reversal or cancelation, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any amounts, costs, claims, damages, and expenses arising in connection with such chargebacks, reversals, or cancellations, or in connection with our efforts to recover such VeightCoins™ from you.
  6. Chargebacks
    1. We reserve the right to run credit checks on all account holders based on the information provided on registration.
  7. Tax
    1. You are solely responsible for any applicable taxes on any prizes and/or winnings that you collect from your use of the Service over and above taxes collected by us on your behalf. We will deduct applicable taxes from any prizes or winnings before payment to you; as a result, you acknowledge and agree that VeightCoins™ you receive shall be net of such deductions.
6. Withdrawals
  1. General Withdrawal Policy
    1. Where permitted, withdrawals will be processed back to the same VeightPay™ account used to deposit on your Vokabul8™ account. If a VeightPay™ account has been used to deposit VeightCoins™, the name registered on the Vokabul8™ account must correspond to the name registered on the VeightPay™ account.
    2. Withdrawals may require multiple transactions over some days, due to VeightPay™ limitations.
    3. There may be charges incurred for withdrawals.
    4. We reserve the right to undertake reasonable diligence to verify the validity of any bets, wagers, or winnings as a precondition to paying out any wins or permitting player withdrawals
  2. Identification Checks
    1. Customers must provide a copy of their proof of identity, address, confirmation of the authenticity of their VeightPay™ account from VeightPay™, and/or other appropriate documentation when withdrawing credits. Proof of identity must match the registered name and surname. If any customer fails to provide this within 30 days of our request, the account may be subject to lockout and winnings and/or withdrawals made, voided. In cases of fraudulent documentation, accounts will be locked and all balances forfeited
    2. Upon making a withdrawal, you may also be required to provide an alternate form of identification and send in any other valid identification documents we may deem reasonable to verify your age and address. The withdrawal will not be processed for payment until we have received all requested identification documents. Acceptable identification documentation includes, but is not limited to:
      1. copy of a valid photographic identification document, such as a passport or driver’s license;
      2. a copy of a recent utility bill/document confirming residence, such as an electricity bill, telephone bill, etc. (important: the utility bill must not be older than 90 days);
      3. a confirmation of the authenticity of your VeightPay™ account by VeightPay™ and/or
    3. The payment of a withdrawal will only be made to the customer who deposited the funds. You hereby authorize us, as and when we require, to confirm your identity and to clarify your right to use the VeightCoin™ that you have betted through our Service. Failing to provide the required documents may have the following implications:
      1. your account will be locked; and
      2. no further gambling will be permitted until we have successfully verified your details.
    4. We reserve the right to run credit checks on your VeightPay™ account based on the information provided on registration.
    5. When we request additional information from you to process a withdrawal request, all withdrawal requests will remain pending until the correspondence has been returned and approved by us. We must successfully receive and verify your identification documents, either via internal means or a third party before you can withdraw from your account.
  3. Limitation on Withdrawals
    1. There is no limitation placed on the withdrawal of customer’s winnings. However, customers can only make a withdrawal if they have a minimum of 10 VeightCoins™ in their Vokabul8™ wallet after withdrawal charges may have been deducted. This condition does not apply to winnings from Bonuses, Jackpots, and Promotions.
  4. Review for Irregular Play
    1. Before any withdrawals are processed, your play will be reviewed for any Prohibited Activity (defined below). Should we determine that Prohibited Activity has occurred, we reserve the right to withhold any withdrawals and/or confiscate all winnings which we reasonably believe are related to the Prohibited Activity.
  5. Erroneous Payments
    1. You agree that, in the event of any payment or credit to your account which is made to your account as a result of our error, such amount(s) paid in error shall be held in trust by you for our benefit and shall not be withdrawn from your account. You shall return all amounts paid in error to us promptly upon our demand. We reserve the right to confiscate and recover all amounts paid to you in error.
7. Intellectual Property
  1. You acknowledge and agree that all right, title, and interest in the Service, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, is our absolute property or duly licensed to us.
  2. The “Vokabul8™” brand name and any other Vokabul8™-related trademarks, service marks, and/or trade names used in connection with the Service (the "Trademarks") are the trademarks, service marks, and/or trade names owned by Virtual Content and Investments Unified Nigeria Limited, which reserves all rights to such Trademarks.
  3. You hereby acknowledge that by using the Service you obtain no rights in the Trademarks or the Service and you may only use the same in complete accordance with these Terms. Any use of the intellectual property related to the Service without our prior written consent is not permitted. You agree not to (and agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit, or tamper with the intellectual property related to the Service in any manner whatsoever.
  4. You acknowledge and agree that the material and content contained within the Service or within any of our websites, software, or other properties are made available for your personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use of such material and content is strictly prohibited
8. Warranty Disclaimers
  2. The entire risk of as to the use, quality, and performance of the Service is yours. We make no warranty that the Service will meet your requirements, be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the software or server that make it available are free from viruses or bugs or represents that the full functionality, accuracy, and reliability of the Service as to results or accuracy of any information obtained by you.
  3. We reserve the right to suspend, modify or remove or add to our website any games or software at its sole discretion with immediate effect and without notice. We shall not be liable to you for any loss suffered by you resulting from any changes made or for any modification or suspension of or discontinuance of the Service and you shall have no claims against us in such regard.
  4. Malfunctions
    1. We shall not be liable for computer malfunctions, failure of telecommunications service or Internet connections nor attempts by you to participate in games by methods, means, or ways not intended by us.
  5. Reported Faults
    1. We cannot guarantee that the Service will never be faulty, but we will undertake efforts to correct reported faults as soon as we reasonably can. If a fault occurs, you should report the fault by e-mail or in writing to our customer service center.
  6. Viruses
    1. Although we shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the Service is free from computer viruses we cannot and do not guarantee that the Service is free of such problems. It is your responsibility to protect your systems and have in place the ability to reinstall any data or programs lost due to a virus.
  7. Service Suspension
    1. We may temporarily suspend the whole or any part of the Service for any reason at our sole discretion. We may, but shall not be obliged to, give you as much notice as is reasonably practicable of such suspension. We will restore the Service, as soon as is reasonably practicable, after such temporary suspension.
9. Handling Errors and Interruptions in Play
  1. Interruptions
    1. We are not liable for any downtime, server disruptions, lagging, or any technical disturbances or disruptions to the gameplay or the ability to make deposits or receive withdrawals etc… We are not liable for any acts or omissions made by your internet service provider or any third party with whom you rely to gain access to our Services.
    2. In the event of systems or communications errors relating to the generation of random numbers, bet settlement, or other elements of the Service, we will not be liable to you as a result of any such errors and we reserve the right to void all bets. Refunds may be given solely at the discretion of Management.
  2. System Malfunctions
    1. Where a manifest error, mistake or system failure results in an incorrect odd, word question, or word question number taken in a bet, the bet, or that part of the bet if it is a multiple bet will be null and void
    2. In the event of a Website system malfunction, all bets are void. We reserve the right to void any winnings that were obtained as a result of hardware/software error or malfunction. We are not liable to you for any loss that you may incur as a result of such suspension or delay.
    3. In the above instances, and all other instances previously mentioned where a bet may be voided, the customer will be paid back the original betting amount. This applies to single and multiple bets.
    4. Customers found abusing such errors/malfunctions are subject to having their account closed and any deposits and/or winnings forfeited.
10. Prohibited Activities
  1. General
    1. We intend for our Service to be a fun, safe, educative, and enjoyable experience for our customers. As a result, we reserve the right to monitor the site for unsuitable language and behavior, which may result in appropriate corrective action including the termination of your account.
  2. Description of Specific Prohibited Activities
    1. We reserve the right to monitor all customer activity for cheating, irregular play, and bad faith. All such activity is expressly prohibited and may result in the immediate termination of your account. Without limitation, the following types of activities are expressly prohibited in connection with our site, Service (“Prohibited Activity”):
    2. The misuse or abuse of bugs, glitches, or errors of the Service;
    3. The use of bots or any other form of artificial intelligence
    4. Hacking, attacking, or abusing the Service or any servers, software, or other components of the Service;
    5. Using VPNs or other software to circumvent any geographic limitations applicable to the Service;
    6. The use of software to influence or modify the outcome of any of the games;
    7. Match-fixing, cheating, or collusion;
    8. Participating in, aiding, or facilitating the criminal activity of any kind;
    9. Fraudulent or illegal activity of any kind;
    10. Abusive chargeback activity;
    11. Attempting to disrupt the Service or circumvent the technical measures employed by us to ensure the security and fair play of the Service;
    12. Any betting activity which we reasonably suspect to be irregular, unfair, or in bad faith.
  3. Legal Proceedings
    1. We shall take all necessary measures in case of suspected Prohibited Activity, including the blocking of your account, freezing of the funds, and reserving the right to legal proceedings. Any criminal or suspicious activities may be reported to the relevant authorities
  4. Fraudulent Payment
    1. In the case of suspected or fraudulent payments, including use of stolen or hacked VeightPay™ account, or any other fraudulent activity or Prohibited Activity (including any chargeback or other reversal of a payment), we reserve the right to block a user's account, reverse any pay-out made and recover any winnings. We shall be entitled to inform any relevant authorities or entities (including credit reference agencies) of any payment fraud or otherwise unlawful activity, and may employ collection services to recover payments. However, under no circumstances shall we be liable for any unauthorized use of a stolen or hacked VeightPay™ account, irrespective of whether or not the VeightPay™ accounts were reported stolen or hacked.
  5. Irregular Play
    1. Before any withdrawals are processed, your participation in the Services will be reviewed for any irregular betting patterns.
11. Limitation of Liability
  1. Exclusions and Limits
    1. Our total aggregate liability to you in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage howsoever arising from any cause, whether direct or indirect or for any amounts (even where we have been notified by you of the possibility of such loss or damage) shall not exceed the value of the bets and/or bets you placed via your account in respect of the relevant bet/bet or product that gave rise to the relevant liability.
    2. We shall not be liable to you or any third party in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any indirect losses or damages, including, without limitation, damage for loss of business, loss of profits (including loss of or failure to receive anticipated winnings), business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary or consequential loss (even where we have been notified by you of the possibility of such loss or damage).
  2. Exclusions
    1. Nothing in these Terms will operate to exclude any liability for fraud, or for death or personal injury that is caused by our negligence, or any liability which cannot be excluded or limited as a matter of law.
12. Termination of Account
  1. We reserve the right to terminate your account for any reason whatsoever at any time without notifying you. Any balance in your account at the time of such a cancellation will be transferred to your VeightPay™ account, unless your account has been terminated for Prohibited Activity as set out above. We also reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to void any winnings and confiscate any balance in your account which includes but is not limited to the following circumstances:
    1. If you have more than one active account;
    2. If the name registered on your Vokabul8™ account does not match the VeightPay™ account from which you make deposits to your Vokabul8™ account;
    3. If you participate in a promotion, jackpot, or bonus offer and submit a withdrawal before fulfilling the requirements of that particular promotion;
    4. If you provide incorrect or misleading information while registering an account;
    5. If you are not of legal age to gamble;
    6. If you have allowed or permitted (intentionally or unintentionally) someone else to use your Vokabul8™ account;
    7. If you have played in a professional capacity, or tandem with other customers as part of a club, group, etc., or placed bets or bets in a coordinated manner with other customers involving the same (or materially the same) selections; in this instance we further reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to restrict the total maximum payout for the combined total of any such bets, to the equivalent of the maximum pay-out Limits permitted for a single customer (as outlined in the applicable rules).
    8. If you have “charged back” any of the deposits made with your credit/debit card on your account;
    9. If you are found colluding, cheating, money laundering, or undertaking any kind of fraudulent activity while using the Service;
    10. If it is determined by us that you have employed or made use of a system (including machines, computers, software, or other automated systems such as bots, etc.) designed specifically to defeat, disable, cheat, or gain an unfair advantage while using the Service;
    11. If you use or access the Service or your account in bad faith;
    12. If you make statements that are sexually explicit or offensive while using our online community and chat facility, this includes expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred or profanity; or
    13. If we should become aware that you have played at any online gambling service under any of the circumstances set out in clauses 14.1.1 through 14.1.12.
  2. In the event we terminate your account as a result of suspicious or illegal activity, we reserve the right to pursue criminal charges or other criminal or civil sanctions against you, and we reserve the right to disclose any relevant information to the authorities or other third parties as may be necessary to pursue any remedies available to us in this regard.
13. Indemnity
  1. Indemnity
    1. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless us, our directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents and affiliates, our ultimate parent and parent companies, and any of our subsidiaries against all costs, expenses, liabilities, and damages (whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive or other) arising from any participation in the Service by you, including without limitation:
      1. The use of the Service by you or anyone using your account;
      2. The use of the Service utilizing telecommunication services;
      3. Use re-use of any materials at, or obtained from, the Service;
      4. Entry to, or use or re-use of any servers or equipment involved in providing the Service;
      5. Facilitating or depositing into your account;
      6. Wagering or gaming via the Service through any delivery mechanism offered; and
      7. Acceptance and use of any win or prize at or from us or the Service
14. Availability of Offers
  1. Eligibility; Bonus, Jackpots & Promotions Offers
    1. All offers are limited to one per person, family, household address, e-mail address, telephone number, same payment account number (e.g. debit or credit card, etc.), and shared computer, e.g. school, public library, or workplace.
    2. All offers are intended for recreational customers and we may, at our sole discretion, limit the eligibility of customers to participate in any given promotion. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any offer or all offers to any customer.
  2. Offer recall
    1. We reserve the right to reclaim all bonuses awarded and/or any winnings accrued if a customer is found to be tampering with or abusing any aspect of any promotion. Where there is evidence of a series of bets placed by a customer and/or group of customers which, as a result of enhanced payments through promotional offers, results in guaranteed customer profits irrespective of the outcome, we reserve the right to ignore the bonus element of such offers and settle bets at the correct odds. We further reserve the right to ask any customer to provide sufficient documentation for us to be fully satisfied as to the customer’s identity before we credit any bonuses, free best, or offers to their account.
15. Support, Disputes, and Complaints
  1. Support
    1. Customer support is available if you experience any difficulties. Customer support can be reached by email at support@vokabul8.net. Any complaints or disputes may be sent to the email address on this page.
  2. Customer Complaints
    1. Customer complaints/claims of any nature must be submitted within 3 months of the issue occurring.
    2. To ensure your complaint/claim is directed to and investigated by the correct department, written communication must be submitted to us via the following means: E-mail: support@vokabul8.net.
    3. Upon receipt, best efforts will be made to resolve any reported matter promptly and, at a maximum, within 30 days.
16. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
  1. These Terms are governed by and interpreted under the laws of Nigeria and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Nigeria to settle any disputes (including claims for set off and counterclaims) which may arise in connection the creation, validity, effect, interpretation or performance or the legal relationships established by or otherwise arising in connection with these Terms.
  2. No legal or tax advice
    1. We do not provide advice regarding tax and/or legal matters. Customers who wish to obtain advice regarding tax and legal matters are advised to contact appropriate advisors.
  3. No arbitrage
    1. You are strictly prohibited from utilizing the Service and our systems to facilitate arbitrage through currency exchange transactions. Where we deem that you have deliberately used the systems for financial gain through arbitrage, any gains will be forfeited and deducted from your balance without warning or notification
  4. Anti-Money Laundering
    1. Customers are strictly prohibited from using the Service and our systems to facilitate any type of illegal money transfer. You must not use the Service for any unlawful or fraudulent activity or prohibited transaction (including money laundering) under the laws of any jurisdiction that applies to you. If we suspect that you may be engaging in, or have engaged in fraudulent, unlawful, or improper activity, including, money laundering activities or any conduct which violates these Terms, your access to the Service may be terminated immediately, by blocking your account or confiscating winnings achieved through the above-mentioned activities. If your account is terminated or blocked under such circumstances, we are under no obligation to refund to you any money that may be in your account. In addition, we shall be entitled to inform the relevant authorities, other online service providers, banks, credit card companies, electronic payment providers, or other financial institutions of your identity and any suspected unlawful, fraudulent, or improper activity. You will cooperate fully with any investigation into such activity.
17. Additional Terms
  1. Publicity
    1. By accepting any prize and/or winnings, you agree to be contacted and asked to consent for your name to be used for advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation except where prohibited by law.
  2. Entire Agreement
    1. These Terms represent the complete, final and exclusive agreement between you and us, and supersede and merge all prior agreements, representations, and understandings between you and us with regards to the use of our Service. We reserve the right to amend these Terms or to implement or amend any procedures, at any time without prior notice to you. Such amendments will be implemented at the discretion of management and put into immediate effect.
  3. Final Decision for Winnings
    1. In the event of a discrepancy between the result showing on your software and our servers, the result showing on our server shall be the official and governing result.
  4. Currency
    1. Vokabul8™ accepts VeightCoins™ as the only recognized participation currency on our platform. Our customers can only make deposits, place bets, and make withdrawals using VeightCoins™.
  5. Force Majeure
    1. We shall not be responsible for any failure to perform or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the gaming contract that is caused by events outside our reasonable control.
  6. Severability
    1. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted as creating any agency, partnership, trust arrangement, fiduciary relationship, or any other form of joint enterprise between you and us.
  7. Assignment
    1. These Terms and Conditions are personal to you and are not assignable, transferable, or sub-licensable by you except with our prior written consent. We reserve the right to assign, transfer or delegate any of our rights and obligations hereunder to any third party without notice to you.
  8. Business Transfers
    1. In the event of a change of control, merger, acquisition, or sale of assets of the company, your customer account, and associated data may be part of the assets transferred to the purchaser or acquiring party. In such an event, we will provide you with notice via email or notice on our website explaining your options with regards to the transfer of your account.
  9. Translations
    1. These Terms and Conditions may be translated into many different languages. If there is any discrepancy between the English language version of these Terms and Conditions and any other language version of these Terms in the meaning and interpretation of any of the provisions of these Terms, the meaning and interpretation of the provisions under the English language version shall prevail.
  10. Explanation of Terms
    1. We consider these Terms and Conditions to be fair. If you need any advice regarding these or any other part of our service, please contact Customer Service through the following email address: support@vokabul8.net
    2. Please note that all correspondence and telephone calls may be recorded.