Betting & Rules


We aim to ensure that all the information displayed on our site is accurate; however, such information is to be used as a guide for our gaming purposes only. We assume no liability in the event of any particular information being incorrect. Please refer to our betting rules for all relevant information about betting settlements. Players should be aware that with regards to our games, connectivity may be delayed. This delay may vary from player to player based on factors such as network speed, connectivity, and other external factors which are out of Vokabul8™ control.

Where we have reason to believe that a bet is placed after the outcome of a game is known or after the selected participant has gained a material advantage (e.g. word question to appear, number of letters to appear, letter(s) to appear, etc.) we reserve the right to void the bet, win or lose.

General Rules:

  1. It is at Vokabul8™ discretion to set the maximum pay-out limit per player for each game. It is the player’s responsibility to ensure they are aware of each limit before bet placement.
  2. Multiple Entries: If an entry type consists of bets on more than one question number, all the bets in that entry type must be correct for that bet to be won.
  3. Odds and Bet Types: All odds and bet types are fixed. Vokabul8™ reserves the right to adjust, change or alter any odd and bet type.
  4. Bet entries made on WHAT’S THE WORD game, after the countdown for a word question number has elapsed will be void.
  5. The word question-answer randomly selected by the system is final for settlement purposes, except where specific rules state the contrary.
  6. Bets which combine similar selections within the same word question number are not accepted. For example; on the LETTERS OF FORTUNE game, a player cannot select the same letter to appear twice in a word question number.
  7. Vokabul8™ reserves the right to refuse the whole or part of any bet entry and to make ambiguous bets entries void. No bets will unreasonably be declared void.
  8. Collusion:
    1. Betting entries in a multiple entry type may be treated as being one when a player repeats the same betting entries. When this occurs all betting entries that are repeated may be voided apart from the first bet entry entered into the system. An example would be where a particular bet entry is repeatedly included in a multiple entry type. Answer entries in a betting entry may be treated as being one. When this occurs all answer entries may be voided apart from the first answer entry entered into the system. An example would be where a particular answer entry is repeatedly included in a betting entry.
    2. Where there is evidence of a series of bet entries each containing the same (or very similar) selection(s) having been placed by or for the same individual or syndicate or individuals, Vokabul8™ reserves the right to make bets void.
  9. Vokabul8™ allows only one account per person. Any subsequent accounts opened under the same personal details or IP address that are found to be related to any existing account may be closed immediately and any bets will be voided at Vokabul8™ discretion. Vokabul8™ reserves the right to reclaim any winnings attained by these means.
  10. Unless listed either in conjunction with the offer, or else in the Game’s Specific rules, all bets should be considered valid for the result at the end of a six (6) minutes countdown.

Ultimate Challenge Game™

Ultimate Challenge Game™ Process and Rules

  1. Users can only create private and public challenge rooms. In a private challenge room, other invited users will require an invite code to join the room. Any User can join the public challenge room without an invite code.
  2. The challenge room creator reserves the right to set the challenge room’s number of rounds and bet amount. This bet amount must be a minimum of 5 VeightCoin™
  3. Once a user joins a challenge room, the challenge room’s bet amount set by the creator will be automatically deducted from the user’s wallet
  4. A challenge series may consist of not more than five (5) rounds where every round consists of a five (5) minutes countdown timer. Every round, a new word question (this word question is different from the general word question randomly selected and displayed by the system) is randomly selected and displayed by the system.
  5. Every round, users participating in a challenge series are expected to send all answer entries to the system before the five (5) minutes countdown ends.
  6. Users participating in a challenge series accumulate points for every correct answer entry sent to the system.
  7. At the end of every round, a leader board is displayed for thirty (30) seconds before the next round starts.
  8. At the end of a challenge series, the system calculates the points acquired by all the players participating in that challenge series, selects, and displays the player with the highest points as the winner.

Minimum and Maximum Limits:

Minimum deposit amount: 1 VeightCoin

Minimum stake on What’s the Word Game: 1 VeightCoin™

Minimum stake on Golden Number Game: 1 VeightCoin™

Minimum stake on Letters of Fortune Game: 1 VeightCoin™

Minimum stake on The Ultimate Challenge: 5 VeightCoin™